5 reasons why you should be drinking green tea

Green tea and tales of its health benefits have been passed down through generations. Drinking green tea is more than just one of those fads that you see Instagram influences talking about. Green tea has been scientifically proven to have a myriad of health benefits. Weight loss and alleviating heartburn, among the most commonly known.

Here are a few more reasons why you should drink more Green tea also known as ‘Qahwa’.

Reverse Ageing

Green tea is a rich source of antioxidants that help boost metabolism and burn more calories but here’s what else antioxidants do. They promote youth and elasticity of the skin and this means that drinking green tea can prevent aging significantly while reversing the impact.

That’s right, a cup of green tea can prevent you from ever needing to get botox or filler in the future. Not to mention that green is a lot cheaper than botox. Something to consider.

Bad breath

Did you know that drinking green tea can prevent bad breath by eliminating the bacteria which cause it? We all know that chewing gum incessantly all day can give us the worst kind of headaches and they are also not entirely efficient in eliminating coffee breath. So what do you do?

Drink a cup of green tea every day.

It is as simple as that.

Drinking green tea over time can eliminate and prevent bad breath bacteria and prevent it from coming back so you don’t have to worry about running out of mints right before a meeting ever again.

Strengthen teeth and gums

If green tea can eliminate bad breath causing bacteria than it can surely have other oral health benefits as well? Green tea is known to strengthen teeth and gums. Research shows that people who drink green tea regularly have fewer teeth and gums related issues than those who don’t.

Stress Management

Green tea is a known cure for stress and can help you a lot in managing it. Green tea can prevent stress-induced headaches, indigestion, and eliminate the ‘stress belly’. This makes green the perfect beverage for workplaces and it is surely better for your health than a sugar intensive energy drink or yet another cup of coffee making your fidgety.

Reduce the risk of cancer

Many believe that the EGCG antioxidants present in green tea are powerful enough to kill cancer cells. Green tea is not only known to prevent cancer but some believe that it is more effective than chemotherapy. Green tea is closely linked to the prevention of esophageal, pancreatic, and oral cancer.

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