How to explore new cultures- Tradishes tips for travellers.

Travelling is something everyone should indulge in during their 20’s. It is a decade best spent living from a carry on with dry shampoo in your hair most days of the week. It is the time to let your phone storage run out from all the great pictures you took. Travelling is an enriching experience and no amount of money spent on educating yourself about new places and new cultures is ever wasted.

Travelling allows you to take more from the time you spend in the form of experiences. Have you ever had tea with sea salt instead of sugar? Do you know to swear in a foreign language? Have you ever been sore all over from a hike but not tired at all?

Here are a few tips from Tradishes to help you learn more about cultures while travelling.

1. Learn a new language

You should always learn something from the experience and learning a new language is the best thing to take back from a trip. Learn how to say hello. Learning commonly used expressions and things like “where is the bathroom?” is very important. Showing that you are multi-lingual is always a great way to make an impression and most people are excited to teach you because it shows that you value and appreciate their culture.

2. Appreciate traditional cuisine

Traditional cuisine is by far the best way to experience and learn more about a culture. Did you ever wonder why Indian food is always so spicy? Or why eating bread in Italy doesn’t make you fat like eating bread everywhere else does? Food is a great way to learn more about cultures and their secrets.

You don’t necessarily have to travel for this. Not if you have the Tradishes app installed on your phone. You can request any kind of traditional food and a nearby host’s dining table from the app. Not only will you get to experience delicious traditional food, you get to chat with the cook and learn more about their culture and traditions.

3. Learn more about your own culture

Here’s what travelling does to people, it makes you appreciate home. After spending a month in the desert you’ll sleep in your bed as if you’re sleeping on a cloud. Maybe you liked the stroll in the greenery, but you probably missed taking your dog out for a walk a couple of blocks from your home. The little things that you don’t even notice about your life become more precious when you’re travelling, and you are likely going to learn more about your own culture when you are travelling more. You see how differently you have been living and the things you value, and it all makes more sense when you’re back from a trip. 

There are countless things that travelling gives you and learning about cultures and educating yourself about the different people and lifestyles in the world is priceless.

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