Tradishes guide to making friends in a new city.

We all know what it is like to be all alone in a new city. Maybe you came here for a job or you’re an exchange student. Maybe you were just tired of a dead-end town and changed addresses. Whatever your reasons were for moving to a new city it is an adventurous time in our lives that is to be enjoyed to the fullest. When nobody knows your name and you have endless possibilities to start over at anything.

It is truly the most romantic thing about moving to a new city but here’s the downside. The adventure of not knowing anybody, gets lonely. You don’t have any friends to call over for dinner or to go to concerts with. You might feel like often as an adult your days are taken up by work and responsibilities so much that you don’t have the time for socialising and meeting new people. Soon enough you forget how to.

How to make friends as an adult and move out of your socially anxious box to enjoy the new city to the fullest.  Here are a few ways we can help.

1. Say yes

Here’s the thing about people who don’t have any friends. They usually say no to experiences that lead to making friends. Friends are not made deliberately. You make friends with people by getting invited to things and you will get invited to things if you are inviting. This doesn’t mean you forgot all your boundaries and let people walk all over you. We recommend evaluating the things you usually don’t do. Things you steer clear of.

Are you avoiding a certain birthday party for the 4th consecutive year? Are you sleeping on a text from a co-worker who invited you to go watch a movie, but you don’t want to do anything over the weekend besides laundry? People who don’t have friends and feel bad about it after, are people that are too picky and forget that fun is something you don’t schedule, it’s something you trick yourself into having by just being carefree and saying yes, a little more. 

2. Hobbies

Here is the secret to becoming an interesting social animal. Do more interesting things. Get busy doing the thing you enjoy. Or find new hobbies and add blocks of fun things that you can try to your daily routine. Things take the anxiety and stress out of you. If you are someone that likes reading find a nearby library or café where book meets are held and there you have it. A group of people that are there for the same thing as you are. Talking to people about books and making friends.

You don’t necessarily need to be good at something to join a club or a society. You can take guitar lessons and you may not know how to play but with the excuse of playing you get to meet new people and that increases your opportunity of making friends

So, find new hobbies.

3. Start a business

Here what we know about start-ups. They don’t always become empires, but they almost certainly become tribes. A small business depends on teams and like-minded people. And if you want to surround yourself with like-minded, driven people like you, we recommend you start a business. It could be any kind of business that you are passionate about and where you focus on networking more so than profit. It is also a good experience and might become an empire, who knows.

Tradishes is one such business platform that also focuses on building relationships and allows people to meet new people and make friends. The unique idea of Tradishes is serving traditional food to traditional food lovers but not in a restaurant where you don’t even get to meet the chef and where it is awkward if you go alone.

Tradishes allows hosts to earn from their cooking skill and allows guests to be served at the host’s dining table. It is an intimate, cultural experience. You can expect some serious bonding.

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